All Posts by

James (Gus) Clifton

Dean’s Message – 03/29/24

Welcome to the University of Florida and to the George A. Smathers Libraries! We are happy to see you on campus and online. The Smathers Libraries remain busy as we continue to serve as a conduit for success at the University of Florida. Our six campus branches proceed…

Recently Processed, Expanded or Revised Collections

The following collections in the Special and Area Studies Department have been recently processed, expanded or revised at the University of Florida. Howard T. Odum Papers, 1935-2003 (significantly expanded and newly revised finding aid) Correspondence, research files, publications, photographs, and personal papers of the renowned ecologist, environmental scientist…

Recently Processed, Expanded or Revised Collections

The following collections in the Special and Area Studies Department have been recently processed, expanded or revised at the University of Florida. University of Florida IFAS Research Records, 1989-2005 (significantly expanded and newly revised finding aid) Series 90 contains the administrative records of the University of Florida Dean…

UF Digital Collections Reach New Milestone with 1 million Items

The George A. Smathers Libraries have digitized materials held at UF and with partners for preservation and access for over 20 years, providing free and global access through the University of Florida Digital Collections ( Over the years, we have celebrated the vast array of materials we share in…

Smathers Libraries and Partners Awarded Grant to Document Experiences of Farmworker Communities

The George A. Smathers Libraries at the University of Florida, in collaboration with the University of Miami (UM) Libraries, the Farmworker Association of Florida, and the Rural Women’s Health Project, will design, plan, and document partnerships between academic libraries and community-based organizations that identify collaborative practices and strategies to document…

Cyberbullying and Digital Safety: Applying Global Research to Youth in India

LibraryPress@UF announces a new digital publication that is available for free download. Authors: Drishti Sharma; Krista Mehari; Jennifer Doty; Nandini Sharma; and Pamela Wisniewski Cyberbullying and Digital Safety: Applying Global Research to Youth in India builds capacity for cyberbullying research and prevention in India. The book synthesizes global scientific…

Coffey Residency Artist for 2022: Sauda Mitchell

The Special and Area Studies Collections at the George A. Smathers Libraries announce the Coffey Residency Artist for 2022: Sauda Mitchell. Mitchell is an American printmaker, archivist, and educator from Winston-Salem, North Carolina. She holds an associate of arts in Elementary Education from the University of Phoenix, a bachelor of…

Dean’s Message – 05/10/22

Welcome to the University of Florida and to the George A. Smathers Libraries! We are happy to see you on campus and online. Based on university guidelines, face coverings are welcome for students, faculty, staff and guests inside all library facilities, including the Health Science Center Libraries. Masks…