Copy, Print and Scan

We offer regular printing, copying and scanning at all our branches, poster (plotter) printing, 3D printing and 3D scanning at select locations.

Printing options

Printer Type Cost Location
Black & White Laser$0.08 ($0.16 if printing Two Sided)AFA, Education, HSCL, Marston, Smathers and West
Color Laser$0.75AFA, HSCL, Education, Library West (3rd Floor) and Marston
Poster (Large Format Plotter)$3.00/linear footMarston

Print now, pay later!

Printing fees are charged to your Gatorlink account. You will be e-billed at the end of the month under ‘miscellaneous’ charges for Academic Technology printing. These charges will show up on your Student Financials account in MyUFL.

How do I check my charges?

To view your charges, visit and navigate to “My Campus Finances”.

Want to print from your laptop or mobile device?

Visit Choose your printing method (upload file, web print, email print, driver print).Visit the print release station and release your job. Pay any charges via MyUFL.

How to print from a library computer

  1. Select ‘Print’ from your application (Word, email, browser, etc.)
  2. Choose the type of printer you want to use:
    Image shows list of available printers
  3. Visit the GatorPrint website and choose the “Jobs Pending Release” menu to release the print job.
  4. Pay any charges through MyUFL.

Refund policy and FAQ

Please see the UF Academic Technology ‘Refund Printing’ and FAQ pages.


All branches have a scanning option for guest users (anyone who is not a current UF faculty, staff or student). Please visit any library service desk for more information.


Please visit the Gatorprint site for FAQ, tips and help.

Poster (Plotter) Printing

Available at the Marston Science Library. Plotter tips and templates.


We have wheelchair accessible KIC Bookeye scanners and flatbed scanners available. A KIC Bookeye Scanner is a digitize-on-demand system for books, magazines, and journals. Visit the Computers and Equipment page for details on scanning options available at each branch.

3D Printing

Available at Marston Makerspace.

3D Scanning

We don’t currently offer a 3D scanning service in our libraries or Marston Makerspace, but 3D Scanners are available for 7 day checkout; browse our Take-Home Equipment page to learn more. Additional information on 3D Scanning.

VGStudio Max

VGStudio Max, a software package for editing CT scan data is available on workstations at Marston Science Library and the Health Science Center Library. Ask at the information desks for additional information.