Off-Campus access (edit)

If you are doing research from OFF campus (home, coffee shop, etc.) then you must login before you can access any of our electronic materials. You have 2 options – the dedicated UF VPN, or the library proxy server:


If you are connected to any UF network, you should be able to access our eResources directly.

Student studies in the Latin American Collection

Off-campus access to eResources is restricted to UF students, faculty, and staff.
UF Libraries purchase special licenses for electronic items such as eJournals and articles, eBooks, databases, and other digitally available materials, so off-campus access to these materials is limited to the students, faculty, and staff of the University of Florida. 

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Connecting to the VPN

Connecting to the VPN video Transcript

Intro to UFLIB: Connecting to the VPN.

After viewing this video, you’ll be able to locate instructions to download and install the VPN, login, and use the VPN to connect to online library resources. You’ll also learn how to identify who to contact if the VPN is not working for you.

The Virtual Private Network, the VPN allows you to access library resources from anywhere. You can connect to the UF network by downloading and installing the free Cisco AnyConnect software onto your device. Installing this software is an important step to gaining off-campus access to millions of online resources.

By clicking “off-campus access”, you will find a link to the installation instructions.

Each operating system has its own unique instructions. Select the installation guide for your device and follow the instructions to download the desktop software or mobile app.

After installing the desktop software or mobile app, launch Cisco AnyConnect. Connect to, and then use your Gatorlink ID and password to authenticate.

You will need to use two-factor authentication to login. You will find more information on two-factor authentication on UFITs frequently asked questions page.

You will need to launch the Cisco AnyConnect software, login, and authenticate with two-factor authentication every time you’d like to connect to the UF network.

If you have any issues downloading or installing the software, you can contact the UF HelpDesk for assistance. Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, you can call (352) 392-HELP or email

You can find more tutorials on the libraries tutorials page.

This video was created by the Information Literacy Committee.

Remote services

The majority of our services are available remotely, including instruction, research consultations, reference services, and digital interlibrary loan, as well as access to all of our digital collections, including journals, books, databases, and more.