Agreement between the George A. Smathers Libraries, and
Smathers Library Room 100 is available for rent to approved University of Florida departments, and agencies. No event is held on the calendar until this Agreement is signed and returned by Sponsor to the George A. Smathers Libraries Administration Office. Approval is contingent upon the number of events and programs already scheduled and the appropriateness of the proposed event.
Monday-Thursday (8am-6:30pm) and Fridays (8am-4:30pm). Reservations are not accepted for Saturdays or Sundays, or any other days/times the University of Florida and/or Smathers Library is closed.
Room is available Monday-Thursday (8am-6:30pm) and Fridays (8am-4:30pm). We cannot accept requests for weekends.
- The rooms are only available Monday-Thursday (8am-6:30pm) and Fridays (8am-4:30pm). We cannot accept requests for weekends. Please update your reservation accordingly.
NOTE: Room will be set to unlock at your setup time. Please call 273-2505 if the room is not unlocked at that time. Thanks!
NOTE: ONLY SEATING for 120. 304 persons allowed per fire code.
This Agreement Is Subject To The Following Terms and Conditions:
1. Availability:
Smathers Library Room 100 is available for rent to approved University of Florida departments, and agencies. No event is held on the calendar until this Agreement is signed and returned by Sponsor to the George A. Smathers Libraries Administration Office. Approval is contingent upon the number of events and programs already scheduled and the appropriateness of the proposed event. Days and hours available for rental are Monday-Thursday (8am-6:30pm) and Fridays (8am-4:30pm). Reservations are not accepted for Saturdays or Sundays, or any other days/times the University of Florida and/or Smathers Library is closed.
2. Costs:
Sponsor agrees to pay a $200.00 per day rental fee. Sponsor agrees to pay a $75 technology fee if audio/visual needs exceed use of the podium microphone.
3. Décor:
Décor must be approved in advance by the George A. Smathers Libraries Administration Office. Candles, confetti, glitter, rice/bird seed, or similar items may NOT be used. ADHESIVE PRODUCTS ARE PROHIBITED FROM USE IN THIS ROOM. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL TAPE, PINS OR OTHER MATERIALS BE
USED TO POST OR HANG banners, posters, flyers, etc to the walls, millwork, cabinets or display cabinets (including glass doors). No banners may be hung on the exterior of Smathers Library Room 100 without permission from the George A. Smathers Libraries Administration Office.
4. Food:
NOTE: Kitchen facilities are not available.
5. Alcohol:
No alcoholic beverages may be sold at the event.
B. Alcoholic beverages may not be served during regular business hours (Monday - Friday,
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.).
C. All persons participating in approved events must adhere to Florida Statute 562.11 regarding alcoholic beverages and
FS 562.11 - A person may not sell, give, serve, or permit to be served alcoholic beverages to a person under 21 years of age or permit a person under 21 years of age to consume such beverages on the licensed premises. A person who violates this paragraph commits a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.
D. Any group that wishes to serve alcohol at an event MUST adhere to the UF Alcoholic Beverage Policy available at Alcoholic Beverage ( and MUST also submit an Event Requests & Permitting » Business Affairs ( and subsequently provide the George A. Smathers Libraries Administration Office with a copy of their approved Event Request/Permit at least two weeks before their event.
6. Audio/Visual:
Equipment requests must be made at least two weeks prior to the event. Depending on the complexity of the Sponsor's audio-visual requirements, Sponsor may be allowed to bring in Sponsor's own equipment.
In such Event, Sponsor is responsible for ensuring that the equipment is compatible with the George A. Smathers Libraries system. The George A. Smathers Libraries cannot provide technical support. Sponsor is responsible for any damage to George A. Smathers Libraries' system.
7. Set-up:
A. The doors at the main entrance to the Smathers Library building may not be propped open to admit people attending the event. This produces a strain on the HVAC system and can result in costly repairs.
B. There are 45 tables and 120 chairs in the room. You are permitted to bring in additional tables and seating. The tables and chairs already in the room must not be removed. If you rearrange the tables and chairs, you must return them to their original set-up.
8. Clean-up:
The room should be left in the same condition as it was prior to the event. Clean up includes the below and is the responsibility of Sponsor:
A. Removal and proper disposal of food, beverages and all other garbage to dumpsters located outside of Smathers Library in the Library West Service Drive.
B. Wiping down of all tables (cleaning supplies provided in cabinet behind podium).
C. Vacuuming of any areas needing attention (vacuum cleaner provided).
D. Return of tables and chairs to default room set up (lecture style seating-floor diagram available on wall near light switches) *** this includes pushing in all the chairs if you did not rearrange the space.
E. Upon exit of the space, turning off the lights & shutting doors and making sure they are locked.
If any of the above standards are not completed by Sponsor, said Sponsor will not be permitted to reserve Smathers Library Room 100 in the future.
9. Damage and Insurance:
- A. Any damage shall be reported to the George A Smathers Libraries Administration Office as soon as said damage is discovered.
B. The George A. Smathers Libraries Administration Office has the right to inspect and determine damages up to 48 hours after each event and to determine whether an outside vendor will be needed for repairs. Sponsor will be notified in writing.
C. If any portion of Smathers Library Room 100, its facilities and equipment is damaged by any act, emission, default or negligence of Sponsor, its agents, employees, patrons, guests, or any person admitted to Smathers Library Room 100 by Sponsor, the Sponsor shall pay the George A. Smathers Libraries, upon request, the sum equal to the cost of repairing the damages and restoring Smathers Library Room 100 to the condition existing at the beginning of the event.
D. The George A. Smathers Libraries and the University of Florida shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to personal property placed in or about Smathers Library Room 100. Sponsor shall hold the Library and University harmless from all claims arising out of loss or damage to such property.
10. Event Changes:
Sponsor understands that any changes in time, number of people, set-up, etc., must be made in writing and forwarded to the George A. Smathers Libraries Administration Office at least one week prior to the event. While Library Administration will try to accommodate Sponsor's changes, Sponsor understands that due to limitations in space and personnel, George A. Smathers Libraries may not be able to do so. The decision to accommodate Sponsor's changes shall be solely at the George A. Smathers Libraries Administration Office discretion. Approval of all changes will be made in writing.
11. Sponsor Representative:
A. The individual named as the Sponsor's contact person in this Agreement shall act as manager of the event, ensuring all aspects of the event comply with the University of Florida Event Regulations and Policies as well as George A. Smathers Libraries policies and guidelines. This includes, but is not limited to, the activities of performers/entertainers, delivery personnel, and caterers. Sponsor's contact person shall also serve as Sponsor's agent for receipt of notices under this Agreement, at the address shown as the Sponsor's address in this Agreement.
B. All notices required to be served on the George A. Smathers Libraries shall be sent by email to or by mail to the following address:
George A. Smathers Libraries Administration
University of Florida
P.O. Box 117000
Gainesville, FL 32611
C. Changes to aforesaid representatives and addresses may be made by written notice sent to the above address.
12. Miscellaneous:
A. This Agreement includes all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties and no oral agreements or representation shall be valid or binding upon the parties hereto, and this Agreement may not be modified in any manner except by written agreement signed by both parties hereto.
B. This Agreement is not binding until executed by all parties.
C. If the event contemplated by this Agreement cannot take place due to an event beyond control of the parties, including, but not limited to, war, riot, terrorism, explosions, floods, fires, tornados, hurricanes and acts of nature, then neither party will be liable for any damages due to the cancellation of the event.
D. The George A. Smathers Libraries does not provide parking for events. Parking arrangements may be made through the University of Florida Transportation and Parking Department
(see Parking regulations apply to ALL vehicles.
E. Smathers Library Room 100 does not have a business center, and will not be able to provide copying, printing or faxing.
F. Tobacco use is prohibited in all areas of the University campus. See regulation UF-2.022 No Smoking and Tobacco Use
Type your name and select today's date to show you have read and agree to the above terms and conditions.
Submitting this form does not secure the room. Someone will contact you within 24 hours to confirm this reservation request.