This collection includes 237 stereograph images showcasing scenes and views of the Greater and Lesser Antilles in the Caribbean Sea.
La colección incluye 237 fotografías estereoscópicas que muestran escenas y vistas tomadas en las Antillas Mayores y Menores. La colección también incluye fotografías estereoscópicas de la Guerra Hispano-Cubano-Norteamericana.
Chinese Indentured Workers in Cuba Contracts / Guía de la Colección delos contratos de trabajadores chinosen Cuba, 1861-1878 (significantly expanded and newly revised finding aid)
The collection houses 30 Cuban contracts spanning from 1861 to 1878 for Chinese indentured workers. The collection also includes one identification card of an enslaved man from Macau, China, and two lists of Chinese laborers sent from China to Cuba. The contracts hail from different parts of Cuba and include personal information about the workers as well as information regarding the conditions of the contract and special provisions. This collection offers a glimpse into the changing nature of labor in Cuba in the 1860s and surrounding years.
La colección incluye 30 contratos de trabajadores chinos emitidos en Cuba durante los años 1861 a 1878. Los contratos provienen de distintas partes de Cuba e incluyen información personal de los trabajadores, asícomo las condiciones y las diferentes estipulaciones del contrato. La colección también incluye una tarjeta de identificación de un esclavo proveniente de Macau, China y dos listas de trabajadores enviados desde China a Cuba. Esta colección muestra el desarrollo de la mano de obra en Cuba en las últimas décadas del siglo XIX.
Programa Puno-Tambopata / Guía delPrograma Puno-Tambopata, 1955-1960
Nine typescript documents containing reports, work plans, and research on the Puno-Tambopata Program (PPT) for the Ministry of Labor and Indigenous Affairs. The objective of the program was to improve the living conditions of indigenous farmers and their economic rehabilitation through the introduction of new techniques in agricultural development, the promotion of craftwork and rural industries, and the training and assistance of the workforce that migrates to others rural areas in Puno, Peru.
Nueve documentos mecanografiadosque contienen reportes, planes de trabajo e investigaciones realizadas sobre el Programa Puno-Tambopata(PPT) para el Ministerio de Trabajo y Asuntos Indígenas de Perú. El objetivo del programa era mejorar las condiciones de vida de los agricultores indígenas y su rehabilitación económica a través de la introducción de nuevas técnicas de desarrollo agrícola, el fomento de lasartesaníasy las industrias rurales, y la capacitación y asistencia de los trabajadores que migraban a otras áreas rurales en Puno, Perú.
Alfredo Sánchez Echeverría Papers on Aureliano Sánchez Arango, 1789-2019 (Bulk: 1960-1976)
The collection documents the life of Aureliano Sánchez Arango and his son Alfredo Sánchez Echeverría while they were involved in various counterrevolutionary groups to overthrow the government of Fulgencio Batista and Fidel Castro. The collection includes: correspondence, personal and professional documents, photographs, newspapers, clippings, magazines, articles, and audiovisual materials. The collection dates from 1789 to 2019, with bulk dates from 1960 to 1976.
Machen Florida Opportunity Scholars Program Records, 2005-2020Collection contains records documenting the beginning and administration of the Florida Opportunity Scholars Program (now the Machen Florida Opportunity Scholars Program) at the University of Florida.
F. Blair Reeves Papers, 1957-2012 (significantly expanded and newly revised finding aid)
Reports, correspondence, class materials, project files, photos and information about historic preservation in Florida, material on the Preservation Institute’s summer program at Nantucket, files on the University of Florida’s Bicentennial Committee.
Roy Graham Photographs and Publications, 1966-2010
Architecture slides used by Roy E. Graham in his Historic Preservation courses at the University of Florida as well as for other various projects he worked on in his career. Also includes some of his writings and publications.
Seminole Medicine Chants and Songs, circa 1940s
Recordings of Seminole medicine chants and songs. Naturalist J. Harold Matteson recorded the chants and songs and includes a historical narrative.
Also included are recently processed additions to the following Student Government related collections:
Records of the University of Florida Office of the Student Body President
Minutes of the University of Florida Student Senate
Bills of the University of Florida Student Senate
Student Body Laws of the University of Florida Student Senate