Welcome back to the University of Florida and to the George A. Smathers Libraries! We are happy to see you on campus and online. Based on university guidelines, masks are optional rather than required for students, faculty, staff and guests on UF property and in the Smathers library facilities, effective immediately. It is recommended that those not fully vaccinated for COVID-19 continue wearing masks, according to CDC guidance.
Consequently, although we are maintaining social distancing in the Libraries until the beginning of Summer B, we are now allowing everyone, including non-affiliated visitors, into the Libraries without checking to see if they are cleared for campus and without requiring masks. Food and beverage policies will return to pre-COVID restrictions. We are leaving in place the hand-sanitizing stations and keeping Plexiglas barriers at the service desks and other locations. Hours for library locations are posted at https://ufl.libcal.com/hours/. We will continue to disclose available seating in each library at https://www.uflib.ufl.edu/status/.
The virtual library continues to be 100% open and available 24-hours a day. All of the libraries and collections have new and updated web sites and we invite you to visit and explore them. You can find them by using the top blue navigation bar at our home page or the three horizontal “hamburger” navigation bars on the top right of your small screen (UFLIB) under Libraries & Collections.
The Ask-A-Librarian service and our expert Subject Specialists are available to answer your questions. Using the Contact Us link in the top blue navigation bar will help you access our collections, departments and units and provide links to request help.
Additional information will be provided when available.
As always, we welcome your comments and questions and look forward to hearing from you.
Dean Judith C. Russell, George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida